Kotak Utak Atik Museum Macan Gatot Indrajati Jakarta the next room

Kotak Utak Atik Museum- or the museum of modified boxes created by Gatot Indrajati displays laborious and intricate work of art made out of simple carton.Very childish like Lego concept yet beautiful of complexity and full of soul.


Kotak Utak Atik Museum
Kotak utak Atik

Anyone can assume that these works of art are for the kids and it seems that the room have been arranged in a very playful set  up to emulate children’s imagination. But even adults find themselves fascinated by the underlying poetry in all these carton gears,cables and engines.


Kotak Utak Atik Museum
Kotak Utak Atik

Each and everyone of the artwork is telling a story that reflects human spirit squeezed between unstoppable modernity or the real world and tradition that start to belong to the relegated dream world. Living with mechanics has become a second nature for humans because they are all around us and they feel alive to us . the question is to know how far goes the integration and shall there be peace between us and machines ?


Kotak Utak Atik Museum
Artist Gatot

Kotak Utak Atik Museum

Underneath  the complicated machinery you can discover a whole hidden living microcosm that seems to prosper protected from the sight of danger. Such as a living beating heart giving to the engine it very reason to exist, the cold inert mechanics is becoming living organism.


Kotak Utak Atik Museum
Gatot Indrajati

In these today’s cosmopolitan ecosystem no one can ignore that we must make peace and befriend the sometimes impressive and moody machines for the sake of us fragile creatures that living within them.


Kotak Utak Atik Museum
Kardus Kotak Atik

Kotak Utak Atik Museum

Reminding me of that marvelous movie from Charlie Chaplin “modern times” where men were still at the beginning of this improbable marriage between human and machine . Nowadays we are well on our way to osmosis but in this particular case with a bit of warmth and hope.


Kotak Utak Atik Museum
Museum Macam Gatot Indrajati

Facing this all new anatomy of the world that our children are much more comfortable with,  my mind is forced in a reflection about the brutal and often bloody history of men. And this world of progress and technology that can be as evil than it can be good I believe this is a good attempt of reconciliation with the unavoidable.


Kotak Utak Atik Museum
Dunia Dalam

Kotak Utak Atik Museum



Great work from pak Gatot Indrajati and definitely not only for kids…At the Macan Museum Jakarta until the 9th of September.

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